The big battle is finally over who has the power in
Friday, June 8, 2007
The Judge Has Spoken !!!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Change in Paris…
This past Sunday, French people yet again showed the rest of the world the true meaning of a democracy. As Americans we love to attack and make fun of the French but once again they showed us how things should be done. I was amazed to see that the presidential election had an 85% turnout unlike our last election where we had a turnout of 54%. The funny thing about all of this is that our politicians spent over $500,000,000 in the last presidential race and only attracted 54% of the population. The French on the other hand use a state run television program so that the entire population has access to it and in return have a massive turnout. Wouldn’t it be great to see people being more interested in our presidential elections rather than worrying about voting for the next American Idol???
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Illegal Immigration...
May 1st marks yet another day of massive demonstrations around the country for illegal immigration. Many illegal immigrants were marching here in
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Crazy Tenet...
Today six former CIA officers wrote a nasty letter to the former Director George Tenet who is blamed by many for being one of the main reasons why we are at war. Interestingly enough the former officers accused Tenet of misleading the American public and our congress with the type of information he chose to release in order to make a case for
Monday, April 23, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Ever since I found about the “wine making” video, I have been going around showing it to everybody that I know. Star Girls video was so funny that It inspired me to make this post.
Myspace/Facebook and local elections...
One of the major problems facing the future of the
After the success of Howard Dean’s internet fundraising scheme, attention to the power of the internet as a means for political participation was once again spent. As such I found it particularly advantageous to consider the potential for gaining support amongst my peers when I decided to run for a position as a member in the local school board.
I realized that the popularity of social networking sites amongst my fellow schoolmates and friends could possibly be a tool for gaining support for my campaign. Thus, I began researching the impact of the Internet, mainly social networking sites including Myspace and Facebook, on voter turnout from the 18-25 year old age group.
After the election, the group members were surveyed and as a result we now know that 68% the members were first time voters; and 64% stated that they would have not voted if it wasn’t because of the personal connection they felt towards the campaign as a result of being members of my group. Looking back at the Election, I now can show the importance of the internet and social networking sites in helping shape the future of local elections.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
This is a response to a post titled “Where were the police?!?!?!” by StarGirl:
Friday, April 6, 2007
In response to my friend Buddha who posted a comment on my last post titled Drunk Driving. In my opinion a Terrorist is someone who knows their actions can bring pain and suffering to a large group of people. Someone who chooses to drink and drive knowing that it could cause harm to others is no different than a person who kills themselves knowing it would cause pain to masses.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
All about the money...
Drunk Driving
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Smith and Drugs...
Inspired by a blog of Travis Conn ...So, even in death it seems Anna Nicole Smith must maintain her status as a tabloid princess. Today, they ruled, after weeks of ridiculous legal hearings and speculation, that, yes, contrary to popular belief, she died of a drug overdose. I must say, upon finding that she was on nine—yes, nine—drugs, I was surprised not that she overdosed, but that she survived as long as she did. But, how can a drug overdose be accidental when someone is taking high doses of painkillers and sleeping pills? How can it be accidental when the world has witnessed her downward spiral for years, and did nothing but take pictures as she drowned in the depths of her own depression.
Poverty in LA?
Today, I read an article in the Los Angeles Times about the poor
No on Rudy Giuliani !!!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Sign of War...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Happy Noruz!!!

It’s that time of the year again. For over 2,566 years Persians around the world have celebrated “Noruz” (the new year) with their family and friends. As part of this great tradition, all Persians gather around the dinner table with their immediate family to exchanging gifts and stories. This is followed by the young visiting the elder for a period of 13 days as a sign of respect toward them. I personally would like to wish all Persians a Happy New Year and hope that the year (1386) would bring in prosperity and happiness for all.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Hopeless Gate...
Last weekend, I was led to
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
My Hall of Shame...
Hello all, I am here in Beautiful San Francisco enjoying my spring break and have finally got access to the internet. So the topic of discussion is once again going to be about politics. We all know that politics is dirty and that there isn’t much we can do to change that. Over the years I have been really frustrated by all the dirty politics that have played out on the national stage. But I have finally found who I believe to be the dirtiest and most sickening politician of them all… that’s right Ladies and Gents his name is Newt Gingrich!!! I am sure most of you have heard by now about him cheating on his wife while trying to impeach President Clinton for messing around with Monica. What a hypocrite… for someone to have the audacity to do that is unbelievable. Again I know politics are dirty and that we have “bad guys” on both sides, but Gingrich has earned the top spot on my Hall of Shame.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
Charisma and Nuclear power (UPDATED) !!!
Charisma and Nuclear Power
One of the greatest threats to American power is Iranian dissention in the
Charismatic leaders have often made a huge impact on the politics of the world: Hitler in
The roots of his attractiveness lie in his lower-class background, patriotic background and modest lifestyle. He was born in 1956 in the city of
Regardless of his popularity amongst the lower class and the conservative sect, his appeal did not reach the young-educated and middle-upper class voters. Thus, in order to further consolidate his power, he used the conflict with the
This new style of leadership has provided Mr. Ahmadinejad with a unique chance to reduce the population’s hatred toward the conservative government. With the nuclear discussion, he has managed to reduce tensions in
Today, he continues to solidify his support; one of the most recent examples of his support for his base was announced on April 16, 2006— were he pledged to give fifty million dollars to the then newly elected Palestinian Authorities who are members of the Hamas “terrorist” group. This came weeks after the
He decided to get the upper hand: by bringing up a new issue like weapons of mass destruction, he managed to stand up to the West and while creating a stronger support network for himself at the same time. This issue consolidated his influence among the upper, educated classes in
Ahmadinejad’s quest to obtain weapons of mass destruction is perhaps one of the most important issues facing the Islamic Republic of Iran. There is disagreement not only internationally, but domestically, amongst his own people. The number of dissatisfied Iranians has also reached its highest peak. Most Iranians are getting tired of being told what to do by these radical leaders. Ahmadinejad however, has managed to create a new legal-rationalist type of government. According to Mr. Laylaz a political analyst, the new government has a different conservative outlook on the way the country should run. “The radicals don’t see eye to eye with the traditional right. Ahmadinejad’s radicals put revolution first, the traditionalists put Islam first” (Amuzegar, 2006). This change is something that the Iranian population is not used to; previously, Iranians viewed radicals and traditionalists as one. The main difference between the two is that the revolution had more to do with
The roots of the quest for nuclear technology lie in the overthrow of the democratically elected president and the planting of the Shah in the leadership position in the 1950’s. The CIA decided that the Shah’s reign posed no threat to the international community and allowed him to begin developing nuclear technology. Since then, as tensions have grown once again between
Ahmadinejad has shown great talent for leadership through the spread of his personality throughout conservative religious and political circles, and then through the creation of a common enemy. By creating a persona that appeals to various social groups, he has solidified his power and his influence throughout the
Amuzegar, Jahangir. “Khatami’s Legacy: Dashed Hopes” The Middle East Journal. Vol.60 pg. 57, Winter 2006.
Cirincione, Joseph. “Controlling “
Hoodbhoy, Pervez.
Kellerman, Barbara. Political Leadership (Reader).
Moaveni, Azadeh. “How to Love a Hard-liner”
Official Presidential Home Page. “ Biography of H.E. Dr. Ahmadi Nejad, Honorable President of Islamic
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Weber, Max. The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Translated A.M. Henderson Parsons.